Work smarter

Jetty will save time for everyone in your organization, everyday. Jetty will make sure nothing is missed and leads teams to collaborative success.

Jetty Laptop

All information has its place. You don’t need to spend time thinking about how to document something. When you look for information, you easily find everything you need.

Jetty Mobile

Everyone is working from the same up to date information. No more spending nights creating new versions of spreadsheets and figuring out who to email them to.

Jetty Tablet

Everyone following the same processes will reduce the risk of errors and mistakes, simplify onboarding and transitions, and streamline the work.

Here is a short summary of what Jetty has to offer in regards to tools and functions.
Contact us for a full review of your needs.

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Giving every piece of information a place ensures you’ll always have the answers at your fingertips.

The built in workflows in Jetty contain a place for everything. Combined with powerful tagging and search features, it’s very easy to get the information you need. The workflows prevent important information from being overlooked or forgotten. Getting the overview in Jetty will allow you to immediately see if anything is missing. Instead of spending time searching for that particular thing you need, you can shift your focus to the important things. Let Jetty do all the heavy lifting for you.

Get notified when things have changed via the Jetty platform, the Jetty App, or email.

Jetty contains a notifications feature that makes it easy to stay updated on what has changed and what has been completed. You have the power to decide what updates should be communicated and to whom. This safeguards that your colleagues don’t drown in information but get alerted of critical updates. Notifications can be used within the Jetty platform, on the Jetty app, and also through email.

Prevent constant questions from suppliers and participants by sharing on Jetty.

A large portion of event management is communicating. Whether forward facing or behind the scenes, this one system simplifies all your communication including schedules, directions, tech specs and contacts. Rather than creating various info packs and emailing them again every time something changes, give your ‘need to know’ team access to Jetty, where they can find all the up to date information. Having real time updates in the field saves you a lot of time and reduces the risk of someone working from outdated info.

Track the progress of your own work while keeping everyone else informed and focused.

All information can be classified in Jetty according to its status. This makes it easy to track the progress of your work. You’ll know instantly what is done and what remains. See what tasks are ahead for both yourself and/or someone managing the work. Customers wanting progress reports can pull these themselves. Plus, someone stepping in to offer assistance will instantly know where to start.

Document all decisions made and the input given.

Who approved that? Why did we make that decision? Who was involved in that discussion? Through the event management process, a large amount of decisions are made. Tracking the reasoning why can be important for discussions on fulfilment of agreements and contracts. You may want to figure out who should be included if something must be changed. Jetty gives you ways of keeping track on approvals, discussions, and the process leading up to decisions. Now you’ll always have the background, should you need it.

Use Jetty Builder to create workflows and gather information with powerful forms.

Jetty Builder can generate forms for gathering information from sources, external or internal. These forms can be made publicly available and can also contain internal sections to work with the collected information. Jetty Builder can be used to recruit volunteers or staff, get RSVPs from participants, collect information from suppliers, and more. With 20+ field types, conditional logic, and an easy way to build interface and structure, the uses of Jetty Builder are almost endless.